Join Project South & the University Sin Fronteras for LIBERATION SPRING

“What Are Schools For? The Past, Present & Future of Education” from March 30April 22 (Wednesdays)

Class will be held from 6:00 PM- 8:00 PM


Register Now for Liberation Spring!

The University Sin Fronteras at a glance…

Knowledge is not the privilege nor domain of the powerful few but a right of all people. We envision education as a vehicle for social movement development, rather than a commodity to be bought, sold, or corrupted. People construct and carry knowledge in multiple ways. Emancipatory education is informed by the wisdom of our communities to which we are accountable and ensures continuity of histories, cultural traditions and legacies.
In order to achieve social and political impact for systemic change, our education systems will collectively create a cohesive analysis of the past, present and future in order to direct and solidify social movement development. We envision education as a collective leadership development process between and among generations.

Liberation Spring

Enough is Enough! Coupled with attacks on workers’ rights, state sponsored violence against black men and transgender people, mass incarceration at its highest level, legislative targeting of women’s reproductive justice, and voter suppression, we see that power needs to rise from the people mose affected and not top-down. Activism and organizing that confronts oppressive power can sometimes be at peril when there are attempts at cooptation of movement power.

Liberation Spring 2016 is focused on

What Are Schools For? The Past, Present & Future of Education

March 30th | A History of Education

With Emery Wright as Facilitator, we will break-down the history of U.S. Education and how it was used to gain and construct power.


April 6th | Black Radical Education Traditions & History 

Dr. Richard Benson from Spelman will lead the group in discussing Black Radical Traditions in Education.


April 13th | What’s Happening Now: The Education Perfect Storm and APS (Atlanta Public Schools)

Vera Stenhouse & Cita Cook will describe the current threats to public schools, including Georgia’s ballot measure to create the Opportunity School District and the reaction to that threat by the APS.

April 20th | Alternative & Movement Education Future

Ashe Helm-Hernandez will give testimony of “Real Peoples Education” along with a discussion on Education related to popular culture, free education, technology, and power.

April 27th | Youth Movement for Education Justice

Project South Youth Organizers will present their “$10 Mil 4Real” workshop on police and the APS Budget and then we will group-think the way.


All classes will be held at Project South:

 9 Gammon Ave SE, Atlanta, GA 30315 (behind Carver HS)

Contact:, 404-622-0602