
Welcome to the San Juan Campus of the University Sin Fronteras!_MG_5194-Edit

We are very proud to host this project in Puerto Rico. We have been organizing seminars, classes and the Decolonizing Puerto Rico Tour since 2012. In this portal for the Campus of San Juan you can find information on the upcoming classes, on our local activities and the information necessary to enroll in our current or future courses. We are looking forward to expand our capabilities and to connect the University Sin Fronteras with the rest of our fellow neighbors in the Caribbean.

Campus Coordinator

Nicole S. Soto Rodríguez was born and raised in San Juan Puerto Rico. She has been involved in community work as a leader in different communities making art skills accessible to children and youth. She has been part of the Universidad Sin Fronteras since 2010 and works now as the campus coordinator in San Juan, Puerto Rico.


Current Course

The students will discuss the role of collective education process in the Social Movement Building toward liberation and decolonization. Through questions like “What decolonization looks like? Am I a colonial subject perpetuating colonialism?, How am I liberating myself and my community?-the class will explore the social reality with an educational perspective.

Upcoming Events & Classes

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Fundación Arana Old San Juan (Tentative)