We invite you to the Freedom Summer 2014 semester of the University Sin Fronteras San Antonio Campus.


June 23, 2014 you will get a chance to meet fellow colleagues and like minded individuals. 

This semester we will be challenging the negative power of the state and growing the power of the people through our knowledge, wisdom and over standing. Come get you some!!!

This semester we will be discussing

June 30 – Decolonizing out Recipes
July 7 – Decolonizing “The Talk”
July 14 – Sovereignty of the body
July 21 – Reality of Brutality
July 28 – Collective Synthesis

we will also be doing individual / group projects for the summer as we use our knowledge and create actually tools for change.

You can use this as a tool for future campaigns in your work or even just increase you self knowledge as we work towards freedom and self determination.

for more info : contact Joaquin Abrego (210) 413 -8978 or email me at joaquin@unsif.com

See you there.
Bring a friend and bring your kids. See More


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