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University Sin Fronteras and Project South


Invite YOU


To the last class #7 of the Liberation Spring Semester

Atlanta Campus

9 Gammon Ave SE ATL 30315


May 7, 2014

6-8 PM (but come early)

food will be served before class


What are we doing?


We are doing 30 minutes of summary for each of the 6 classes that we collectively have gone through and finished successfully, regardless if you were able to attend all of the classes or not. COME!


In order to develop a collective synthesis of our shared learning, we will do a brief summary of each class and discuss strategies to Decolonize the South, paying close attention


HOW to:

Decolonize the South?

The Body

The Health & Healing

The Labor & work and migration

The Globalization STATE

The Freedom Schools (SNCC 1964)


We will do several round robins to answer the questions


This will result in collective develop a SYNTHESIS of the whole course and all of the classes for the Liberation Spring Semester 2014.


What you will receive before the class: :

  • Class adjunct faculty framework
  • The reflection papers (compilation) for each class
  • The notes (edited) available for further reading (for those that missed that class)


Certificates of completion will be given out !!!

and group picture!!!








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