2012 Liberation  Summer Class 5

2012 Liberation Summer Class 5

Project South and the University Sin Fronteras, the two grassroots social movements organizations hosting the Liberation Summer Semester 2012, welcomed Rose Brewer who travelled from Minneapolis, Minnesota to be with us in Atlanta, Georgia on August 8, 2012. This class on Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade & Capitalist development was the 5th of six classes, organized as the course on Colonialism and Liberation for the Liberation Summer Semester of the first ever social movements’ University Sin Fronteras, a University without walls and beyond borders.

Rose started class number 5 by reminding us on whose shoulders we stand today in the anti-colonial struggle; “Anyone who studies how the slave trade interacted with the ongoing growth of capitalism is indebted to W.E.B. DuBois (Black Reconstruction) and Walter Rodney (How Europe Underdeveloped Africa), both of whom based their work in dialectical materialism.

More recent scholars inspired by them have added women, gender roles, and other topics to the history. DuBois and Rodney were punished for their commitment to integrating scholarly work and political activism. Late in his life, DuBois had to leave the United States, but he was welcomed by Nkrumah and the people of Ghana. Rodney, a Guyanese, was assassinated in 1980”.

Read More:

Class 5 Report – Rose Brewer (382KB PDF)
Class 5 Compilation – Slave Trade and Capitalism (32KB PDF)
Class 5 Notes – Rose Brewer (18KB PDF)


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