The University Sin Fronteras, Universidad Sin Fronteras, is KICKING OFF the Liberation Spring Semester and it looks fantastic!

Dr Les will be taking the lead in the campus coordinators call happening wednesday. February 18th.  PLEASE LETS BE SUPPORTIVE OF DR LES’S NEW ROLE, and be present on the conference call.

Steph G will be leading the anchor organizations conference call the following week possibly on weds. February 25th.  We need to re-affirm our collective commitment for the 2015-17 period.

We are kicking off the 2015-17 period, a critical time for social movements, an opportunity for systemic social change and a strong moment of STATE violence and repression internationally and in the United States.

The Universidad’s Philosophy of Liberation is and has tremendously advance a ‘decolonizing’ process based embedding the political and critical education in the social movements at the grassroots.

We invite YOU and your campus committee, anchor organizations, and students to CONVERGE in this important moment and social movement moment.

We are planning to participate in SELMA in early march, 2015 and the 50th year of the March on the Bridge and Bloody Sunday.  We are planning to organize a Freedom tent at the US Social Forum III happening in three sites: we are all invited to join the USSF 3 in Jackson MS.

Additionally Gulf South Rising will be organizing a gathering or Peoples Movement Assembly (PMA) during the 10 th annual commemoration of Hurricane Katrina.








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