September is here and also the beginning of the UNSIF Emancipation Autumn  2013‘. Each of the four operating campuses are working to organize and announce the courses that will be offered during the autumn semester.

Courses will be taking place in Detroit, Atlanta, San Antonio and San Juan (PR), and the campus committee of each campus has either met or is planning a meeting to decide on the course(s) to be offered.

To join or register for a course in one of the UNSIF campuses, please contact the following campus coordinators:

  • Atlanta Campus: Angela Winfrey at angelawinf@aol.com
  • Detroit Campus: Antonio Cosme at arcosme@gmail.com
  • San Antonio campus: Irasema Cavazos at iracavazos@hotmail.com
  • San Juan (PR) campus: Nicole Soto Rodriguez at nicsusorod@gmail.com

The Emancipation Autumn semester 2013 was designated by the Board of Directors as a semester to do research for action. This means that we can look deeper into power analysis, race, class or gender, environment etc.. We want to go deep into ROOT CAUSES.

Soon, each campus will be putting out their Course description, registration form, and general information on University Sin Fronteras. Between 2012 and 2013, University Sin Fronteras has carried out courses in all four campuses with approximately 249 student-participants taking part and completing the courses.

We INVITE you and your organization to take part and participate in the courses offered each semester by Universidad Sin Fronteras. We look forward to having you participate and even establish new campuses in new areas/cities. Please feel free to check out our website: www.unsif.org

Ruben Solis Garcia,
UNSIF President
Phone: (210) 378 5699
Email: grulla@swunion.org


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