San Antonio stands in solidarity with the 43 disappeared students from the Raul Isidro Burgos Ayotzinapa Normal School, in the southern state of Guerrero. Thousands of people around the world are calling for Enrique Peña Nieto, the Mexican President, to step down after Mexican authorities say the Iguala mayor ordered the attack on the students.

Ayotzinapa has been ‘the straw that broke the camels back’. The history of violence against students in Mexico is not new, in October of 1968 in the Tlatelolco Massacre in the City of Mexico, as well as the 300 disappeared in Allende, Coahuila in 2011 has left Mexicans outraged. Last week 115 schools were on strike and over 100 thousand people took the streets in Mexico demanding the return of the students and an end to the persecution targeting revolutionary students and ideas in Mexico.

Earlier in October a mass grave was found in the outskirts of Iguala, Guerrero. Investigators believe it may contain the remains of the missing students, but say DNA tests to confirm their identities will take several weeks. In the mean time we are hopeful that the students will be return alive.

Southwest Workers Union stands in solidarity with the students and their families we demand peace in Iguala and in the streets of Guerrero, and an end to the political regression on behalf of the Mexican government.

++++ If you need a ride please meet at SWU at 10am.++++


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