Hello University Sin Fronteras Community, Anchor organizations, campus coordinators, campus committees, and students-participants…
Emancipation Autumn Semester is going strong and is in full swing. All six campus’ part of the University Sin Fronteras emancipatory education and ReGeneration of the Liberation culture and struggle. In Atlanta the emancipation semester is coming to a close. Cita and Les did the class on Emancipation education-dismantle the plantation education. In San Antonio they just finished the classes for the emancipation semester course with the Youth Jam. In Detroit Will Copeland has been holding down the emancipation autumn semester, holding classes in several community sites, and going deep on the role of power and money in this new re-colonization of Detroit in under the Neoliberal program. The Water war has been at the fore front and the Peoples Movement. In San Juan, Puerto Rico, the emancipation Autumn semester just took off and has established a good core of student participants. In Minnesota, Bemedji, Renee has launched the first ever University Sin Fronteras emancipation autumn semester there in Indigenous country, looking a sustainability and what it means, in relation to land, water, culture, ceremony, community and the regeneration of the people. In Jacksonville, Florida the New Jim Crow Movement, and Aleta leading the work and Guillermo, they have organized and are kicking off emancipation autumn semester into December. This is the first ever semester in Jacksonville and they are going deep on the State violence, power, and money. The freedom of Marissa is very important to stop that violence of the state.
Atlanta San Antonio San Juan Detroit Jacksonville Bemidji
Liberation Spring Semester 2014 Course/classes
student list/data base adjunct faculty & lesson plans notes one page upon reflection synthesis pictures and video
Freedom Summer Semester (June-August) 2014 Course/classes
student list/data base adjunct faculty & lesson plans notes one page upon reflection synthesis pictures and video
Emancipation Autumn Semester 2014 Course/classes
student list/data base adjunct faculty & lesson plans notes one page upon reflection synthesis pictures and video

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