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University Sin Fronteras - Liberation Spring '14
The South is at a critical point in the fight for social justice. Trends in current legislation lay a path that is rolling back civil rights legislation and historical gains from Southern Freedom Movement, courts are creating the NEW Jim Crow styled behaviors, violence against people of color is NOW common place, the rights of women are trampled by conservative forces and the STATE, private and public entities are destroying neighborhoods, and public education is under attack.

All of these increasingly highly aggressive issues are a direct product of a colonial framework where human rights are systematically dismantled and dissent is suppressed. The University Sin Fronteras’s Liberation Spring Semester will examine the role of rising Social Movements in the South that aim to build community power to confront injustice, to build a NEW 21st Century Southern Freedom Movement. The Liberation Spring Semester course will act as a critical part of building momentum for Southern-wide summer (Liberation NOW) organizing campaign. This process is based on preparing participants to connect Action around the aforementioned crisis by exploring how to decolonize and organize the 'fronts of struggle' including the education (political), the body, our economy, our work, and our cultures. Student-participants will collectively determine the role of the State and co-create new knowledge based on their lived experiences and analysis and hands on projects (Liberation Now).
Student-participants are asked only to bring their burning questions, their suffering, their victories, and their desires for a just society. Another World is Possible, and Underway.  Another SOUTH is happening.

Course Questions
I. How do we collectively decolonize the South?
II. How do we build power through action and how does action build power?

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A University Without Walls
Liberation Spring Semester
Wednesdays from 6-8pm
March 26-May 14, 2014
@ Project South offices

Tuition: $250.00 per student
Scholarship value: $250.00
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Contact Info
Contact Les: 404.964.3168 
Contact Ruben: 210 378 5699 

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