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University Sin Fronteras - Emancipation Autumn '14
“People’s Power and the Power Behind Big Money.”

We will host an intergenerational exchange with thought-provoking guest speakers “adjunct faculty” that can help sharpen your analysis of current events, help you to tell YOUR Detroit story, and place yourself in this struggle over the Future-History of Detroit. We will investigate Privatization, Gentrification, the role of Foundations, International Lessons, How to do Research, and other topics of use for 21st century activists.

Course Questions include:
How has institutional racism affected Detroit?
How is Detroit’s situation similar to nations around the world?
What are people doing to fight back?
What are the real effects (good and bad) of corporation and foundation funding in Detroit?
What can YOU do to empower yourself and your community?

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A University Without Walls
Emancipation Autumn Semester
Every Thursday from October 2 – November 13

First 3 Classes at Cass Corridor Commons
4605 Cass Ave @ Forest
Then, classes move to St. Peters Episcopal Church
1950 Trumbull Ave @ Michigan

Tuition: $200.00 per student
Scholarship value: $200.00
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Have you previously Attended a University Sin Fronteras Class? *
If you selected yes to the previous question, in what years have you attended a University class?
Please Check one of the following: *
Please write a few thoughts or a few sentences:
How are you organizing, building community, or developing resistance to injustice in Detroit?
Your answer
How do you connect with decolonization or incorporate ancestral struggle/ healing into your life/work/process?
Your answer
Contact Info
Contact Will: 313-718-0868
Contact Ruben: 210 378 5699 
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